Wednesday, May 4, 2011

MediaCast Blog; Colour Schemes (Task 3a)

These are the 3 colour schemes I am proposing for the MediaCast blog. They are very similar as I have in mind to include only particular colours in the blog, based on the research my group and I conducted. This is because the majority of the students asked for simple colours based on a grayscale and the colours found in the MediaCast logo.

Colour Scheme 1 - White, black and the colours found in the MCAST logo

Colour Scheme 2 - White, black, gray (to be based on a grayscale) and gold (to have a colour which stands out)

Colour Scheme 3 - White, black, green and yellow (found in the MCAST logo) but which are brighter than the ones in Colour Scheme 1 

The colours would be used in the following way;

In all colour schemes
Colour 1 (white) - Text Colour and Date Header
Colour 2 (black) - Background and Background of the Post Footer

Colour Schemes 1 & 3
Colour 3 (green) - Post Title and Text in Post Footer
Colour 4 (yellow) - Link Colour and Labels

Colour Scheme 2
Colour 3 (gray) - Text in Post Footer
Colour 4 (gold) - Link Colour, Labels and Post Title

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