Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Last Saturday, the 30th of April 2011, my group and I filmed all the footage we need for our advertisement. Filming was supposed to take place also on Friday the 29th of April but due to a problem with one of the actors who couldn't come (the one who was supposed to impersonate Charlie Chaplin), we filmed everything in one day. However, we immediately solved that problem because Charlie Chaplin was impersonated by the same actor who impersonated Laurel.

Filming overall went well; we had all the paperwork, props and set ready and so there was nothing that could have possibly been of a hindrance to us. We were a bit off schedule in the morning since we took a bit more than expected to set up, but we soon got right back on track and everything went smoothly. The actors were all on time and cooperated greatly with all of the group.

I think that we worked very well as a team since everyone had his specific role and did it as best he could. We did have some minor arguments, due to some small changes we made to the storyboard, but we had good communication between us and we solved everything instantly. It was a very tiring day, but all worthwhile because it's the end product that counts and I think we have some great shots to produce this advertisement. And now?? Editing awaits us!

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