Sunday, March 13, 2011

My role in the MediaCast blog..

As part of our assignments, we are required to form a group and together create a design for the MediaCast blog. Eventually one blog will be chosen to be officially used by all the Media students attending the MCAST Institute of Art & Design. Each person from each group has a specific role to carry out, choosing from the roles of Researcher, Designer, Developer and Marketer.

The roles in my group are divided as follows;
Research - Jessica Catania & Francesca Piscopo
Design - Naomi Mamo
Development - Deborah Farmer
Marketing - Maria Vella

After this decision had been taken, we individually researched what our roles consist of and what we should do so that we carry out our role in the best possible way.

What is Marketing?

Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business developments. It is an integrated process through which companies build strong customer relationships and create value for their customers and for themselves.
Marketing is used to identify the customer, satisfy the customer, and keep the customer.

Since my role is all about marketing, I also need to work hand in hand with those conducting research because marketing is divided into two stages; Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing.

Inbound Marketing Includes Market Research to Find Out:

  1. What specific groups of potential customers/clients (markets) might have which specific needs (nonprofits often already have a very clear community need in mind when starting out with a new program -- however, the emerging practice of nonprofit business development, or earned income development, often starts by researching a broad group of clients to identify new opportunities for programs)
  2. How those needs might be met for each group (or target market), which suggests how a product might be designed to meet the need (nonprofits might think in terms of outcomes, or changes, to accomplish among the groups of clients in order to meet the needs)
  3. How each of the target markets might choose to access the product, etc. (its "packaging")
  4. How much the customers/clients might be willing pay and how (pricing analysis)
  5. Who the competitors are (competitor analysis)
  6. How to design and describe the product such that customers/clients will buy from the organization, rather than from its competitors (its unique value proposition)
  7. How the product should be identified -- its personality -- to be most identifiable (its naming and branding)

Outbound Marketing Includes:

  1. Advertising and promotions (focused on the product)
  2. Sales
  3. Public and media relations (focused on the entire organization)
  4. Customer service
  5. Customer satisfaction

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