Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What is an Infographic?

Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of informationdata or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly, such as in signsmapsjournalismtechnical writing, and education. With an information graphic, computer scientistsmathematicians, and statisticians develop and communicate concepts using a single symbol to process information.
-Retrieved February 22, 2011 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_graphics

In the first task of our Digital Graphics assignment this semester, we are required to create an Infographic explaining the following keywords; Pixels, Raster and Vector Images, Bit Depth, Colour Space, Image Capture and Optimising. Before starting to actually conduct research on these keywords, I researched some examples of Infographics to get an idea of what I should aim for when creating my own. I first searched the internet for the Infographic for which our lecturer had given us a link; an Infographic called 15 Things Worth Knowing About Coffee. I really liked the way that all the information is linked together and the use of illustrations which makes it humorous and interesting and in my opinion, it is a very good example. I continued to browse through www.theoatmeal.com to get more examples and ideas.

Browsing the web further, I found a website in which they post an Infographic everyday. In fact, it is called Daily Infographic. It contains a lot of interesting Infographics and below I am posting one which I really liked.

I liked it because the colours attract your attention and create contrast between them. It is also a perfect example of the purpose of an Infographic; short, informative and interesting. It contains basic information which I would have not read chunks of text about simply because it is not of great interest to me, however, in this way I read it from start to finish without getting bored.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Colours Your Life!

This week's Photoshop lesson regarded giving colour to Black & White photos. We used the same photo we had retouched ourselves in last week's lesson. We selected the particular areas of the photos to which we wanted to give a particular colour using masks which is a very easy and non-destructive way of editing a photo. Here below is the end result..


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

First Attempt at Photo Retouching

In one of our first Photoshop lessons at school, we were introduced to two tools used for Photo Retouching; the Clone Stamp Tool and the Spot Healing Brush Tool.

Each one of us then started to restore an old photograph and here below is the result of my very first attempt at photo restoration using the Clone Stamp Tool and the Spot Healing Brush Tool. Furthermore, I arranged the hue/saturation and the levels so that the end result is in black and white.


Screenshots of the editing process

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Honda Civic Advertisement

A Honda Civic advertisement I came across. It is very effective because it is innovative and original and leaves a great impact on its viewers; it is not an advert which is easily forgotten.

One can imagine how much work and planning was put into this advertisement, so I am posting the 'Making Of' video below

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What this is all about..

Creative Media starts with developing that initial idea and then executing it in the highest quality yet most efficient manner to motivate your target audience and reinforce your strategic objective.
-Retrieved February 5, 2011 from http://www.creativemediapro.com/

I am an 18-year old student studying the BTEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production course at MCAST Art & Design and as part of my studies I am required to blog about my progress this semester. So basically my posts will include my work on the assignments given, film reviews and all that regards media. Enjoy... and Happy Blogging ( ..to me)  :D